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Why people can’t handle the truth

The truth why people believe in a #Lie faster than in a #Truth is because people can’t handle the truth.

Truth is the portal to Consciousness and sets your free

This is true in life and in everything else. You need to do your own life experience discovery to know the truth and not just hear about it second hand or based on google search. Truth can only be truth when you experience what you’re seeking for. Some may choose to just believe in you without experiencing the truth it themselves on what you have discovered through your own experiences. This is because people have a fear of the pain and responsibility that comes with the truth. Humans have the tendency to categorize truth and labeled it as good or bad in order to associate with it if it’s safe to be around it without actually applying understanding. I can hear some of you are whispering that “Humans are like sheep, pretty stupid sometimes.” Oh yes, we humans can be so stupid that it’s not even funny on how we don’t use our filter of understanding and have an open heart and mind to understand, especially with things that are not in familiar to our own comfort zones of safety. So, how do we learn to adapt to others truth of experiences? I’ll explain that below.

What people do not understand deeply enough is when it comes to truth, they fear truth of their own discovery. They fear the responsibility that comes with it. They fear the amount of how much they would be giving up on their comforts called security blanket only to find out what they have been programmed to believe all their life was a bunch of lies. They fear of rejection from others. They fear to break away from the herd mentality. They fear the pain it will cost them, not knowing that pain is the portal to consciousness especially when it is understood from the heart, mind and soul space.

Truth is that no matter how many times you hear a lie, the longer you listen and focus on it, the mind will soon accept it as truth. But when you use the power of discernment from a heart based, you are deciphering any messages you listen or focus on to and connecting those messages from your heart to your brain/mind space. These neurobiological messages from the heart to the mind connection when use both becomes a great powerful tool to have, especially, when we listen to understand from the heart based center first then connect it to our mindset. This is when we start using our sense of adaptability intelligence. It is learning how to adapt wisely any form of new belief from the transmitted neurobiological messages is passing along from the heart space to the mind space. The mind’s job will always accept whatever is given from what we see hear or touch either good or bad. The mind doesn’t know if it’s good or bad, but the heart does. That’s why when we see someone is abusive to someone, our heart space is sending messages to our mind that picture that the mind saw and heard feels bad. The sense of feeling through our emotions sends signal of neuro messages to the heart first and asking to decide if it’s good or bad before it sends messages to the brain. But when we choose to include our heart to decipher and discern any messages the mind sees feel or hear, then we know we are listening to understand. The heart understand better than the mind does. But we need both the mind and the heart to see and listen to understand any messages and that’s how we can have adn experience inner peace from deep within. Especially it is more powerful when we listen to our soul. Our mind is a meaning making machine. So, before you decide anything very important to say or do in your own life that may affect your life and or others, start using your heart first and your soul with your mind. The mind, heart and soul alignment are key to understanding life’s patterns and its meaning.

Our soul has a voice. And this intuition from the seat of our soul connects our heart and mind as one on how to truly discern better on a higher level. This is when we learn not only to listen to understand, but to understand consciously regardless what the subconscious mind will do to distractedly chatter us away from making a wise decision.

Above all things, it is not about creating a perfection of you or them or who is right or wrong, but it is about living in peace of understanding with each others differences and use that differences as leverage for growth.

Let’s learn to create a quality of life with understanding our differences and our gifts of compatibility and grow inner peace and experience a fulfilling moment of being alive.

Remember, your own truth of experiences is the most vital powerful tool you will ever have to be here on earth. So, what truth of experiences you are choosing to create, to be, to do, to have, and in order to have that substance and quality of life you have been dreaming about?

Namaste! God Bless,
~Grace Kostamo

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