How to measure if you recruited High Emotionally Intelligent Leaders & Employees
February 5, 2019
This is one of the aspect in life that is ignored and overlooked. And it is one of the most desired qualities for both personal and professional growth. Learning to cultivate and manage well with an self stability awareness of our Emotional Intelligent skillset is very significance to our whole well-being.
How will you know if you have recruited leaders and employees with high emotional intelligence? You would know if you yourself is one and have cultivated based on your experiences. Below are examples of how to measure high emotionally intelligent people. And you can learn and cultivate EI yourself as an Owner or Leader in a business world too.

First, you ask these powerful questions to help determine the awareness if you or the one your recruiting has the ability to adapt to changes and challenges when it comes to growth and to contribute better with a long term commitment and she/he is a problem solver. It will help you to adjust as well in where you will set and implement the standards to help each other grow; or how to eliminate any negative drama and excuses that people set themselves into and who may not be committed to do the job that likely will affect the growth of the business mission. Because the level of growth in your emotional intelligence and stability is very significance, for it either can make you or break you or your tribe. Below are powerful questions to help give clues to the awareness if you have the ability to handle or manage your EI, or if you are hiring emotionally intelligent employee, or new leaders, or if they are willing to be coachable:
- Are you very aware of your own limitations and strengths?
- Are you aware about your feelings and why you feel the way it is and where it is coming from?
- Can you adjust and adapt to any changes when the opportunity or challenges represent itself?
- Are you also aware of other people’s feelings and filter with great understanding without preconceived assumptions?
- Are you aware and be able to negotiate deals to settle conflicts and that leads to a fair trade share even if one has to disagree and agree?
- Are you able to control your own emotions when conflict arises and negotiate fairly to settle conflicts?
- When it comes to communication skills and answering questions, do you listen to understand or do you listen to answer?
- Are you aware of non-verbal communication languages eg. body language when it comes to communications?
- If you make a mistake, do you deny it, or admit it, and take a conscious responsibility to it?
- Are you aware of your own intrinsic and extrinsic thoughts and behavioral patterns around others?
If the person answers questions in a blaming patterns either the source came from their intrinsic frame of thoughts or extrinsic frame of thoughts, it shows where he/she is at their emotional level or personal development. Always watch for the give-away clues and that is the body language if they are distracted or focus to understand the questions or the situation at hand. This is also clues if your employees believe and implementing the core values of your business. Remember that clarity in any communication is key; And according to surveys statistics that at least 10% of communication is express by words (verbally), 60% of communication is express by body language (non-verbal), and 30% of communication is express by the tone of the voice.
Always remember that and learn to ask for clarity before assuming anything worse than it actually is when communicating to understand and with the intention of getting into the clarity of the situation. I know we all fall short to learn to understand and listen to understand. Most of us reply to answer instead of to listen to understand. I hope this update helps anyone out there. And if it did, please kindly leave a comment below. I appreciate your feedback that helps my blog to grow better. We are all learning here together no matter what level we are in, as long we never stop learning humbly!
Stay grounded and as you learn more about how to grow better to the next level in your emotional journey, keep your head up and embrace the message of lessons behind any challenges of opportunity that leads to growth. And by that you become more of an effective leader and an influencer human being.
~Grace Kostamo-Alfafara