Book Eleanora for Coaching Session Now
and Speaking on Personal Empowerment:
Services below on:
Currently taking clients on virtual online sessions or at a local cafe for personal coaching sessions only. Hire Eleanora for speaking at your wellness workshops, business meetings on Emotional (EI) and Adaptability (AI) Holistic Intelligence workshops, and schools for educational EI and AI development workshops.
~ Private 1:1 Personal Growth Life Coaching ,
~ Conscious Couples Coaching (Marriage); and Conscious Uncoupling (separation/divorce),
~Group/Masterclass Coaching coming up soon
~ Guided Mindfulness Interactive Sophrology Healing Meditation session
Who would you be when working with a Certified Personal Transformational Lifestyle Coach?
Implementing the use of our Quantum Consciousness and Emotional Intelligence and Adaptability Intelligence in any emotional state in life is very significant in how we face the world either in business or in personal and spiritual matters.
-Are you looking for clarity in making ‘SMART’ goals in life and improving your psychology to reach goals with a coach that will guide and hold you accountable for your goals and objectives that will radically change your life?
(SMART stands for… S: for Specific, M: for Measurable, A: for Attainable, R: for Relevant, and T: for Time-bound)
-Or, do you ever desire to know and implement how to understand and master your emotions, and tap into courage, inner peace, strength, resilience,and patience in the face of challenges?
-And do you want to know how to renew your energy or breakthrough limiting beliefs i.e. from fear of failure? Do you want to learn and gain confidence or skills and self-trust to inspire and empower others?
If this is you or anyone you know, I’d like to help and guide you and give you strategic tools to cultivate the mindset, heart-set and soul-set, and live an abundant life with value and substance.
With the right coach, you will learn how to reframe your mindset by unlearning limiting beliefs that have held you back since childhood or by what the society, generational or peers, or cultural conditioning have told you about how you should be like. You will also learn how to cultivate and nurture self-confidence and value commitment and take inspired action, especially in times of uncertainty. You will also learn to leverage and master your emotions in the face of challenging times and build healthy boundaries.
There are many aspects of life in personal growth and self-management that one can learn how to reframe constructively their mindset, heart set, and soulset and step out of their comfort zone to where real growth happens and live a life of substance and abundance today.
Here are some areas in which I mainly specialize in Personal development and I’d be honoured to work with you:
- RELATIONSHIPS: Setting Standards and Values with Substance in any relationships journey eg. Marriage relationships, dating relationships, Parent and Child relationships.
- LOSS & GRIEF: Finding Inner Peace and Grace as you heal forward versus moving on in the face of a loss of a loved one; And how to honor, cope and reframe holidays, birthdays, and the anniversary of a loved one’s death.
- CONSCIOUS PARENTING: Setting an example through love and mindfulness, and by using emotionally intelligent disciplines/values rather than punitive methods; also learning to lead your thoughts, heart, and emotions as a parent- responding well versus reacting.
- LEVERAGING THE POWER of EMOTIONAL & ADAPTABILITY INTELLIGENCE/STABILITY: Learning behavioral patterns, love languages, body languages, and the Power of Intention by re-aligning the 3 Core Essence Elements from within; Also with a step by step guidance on how to apply the EFT(Emotional Freedom Tapping)on how to stay calm amid life’s challenges.
- LEVERAGE TIME MANAGEMENT: Prioritization vs Procrastination.
- CULTURAL ADAPTABILITY MANAGEMENT: how to develop the highest level of understanding and ability to manage and negotiate, influence or lead a team and produce an outcome in a cross cultural environment.
- SPIRITUAL GROWTH: how to grow your relationship with Spirituality journey and develop TRUST in yourself by trusting and using your divine hidden gifts- implementing the inner gifts & honoring your calling as a soul-being while experiencing human experiences; and learning how to set compelling SMART goals that will serve your spiritual purposes in life while cultivating a gift of resiliency within you.

Mother of 4/Certified Transformational Life Coach in Personal Lifestyle & Mindset, Certified Sophrologist, Relationship Coach, Published Author/ Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine, Grief Advocate/Humanitarian/Brand Ambassador/Youth Mentor/Confidant/Artist
How does 1:1 RESULTS LIFE COACHING works:
1.Book your first 20 mins Clarity Call of complimentary session: During this call we will talk about your intentions, wellbeing, challenges, and how I can help you make long term healthy habitual changes. This call will help us determine and decide together if we are right and fit to work together.
2. INITIAL SESSION: After signing the agreement forms between you and I to work together, and during our first initial session, I will do a full assessment to get to know you. We will explore where you are now in life and where you would like to be. Then most importantly, we’ll work on your intentions, priorities and visions, and develop a master plan to support you reach them.
3. FOLLOW-UP with ONGOING SUPPORT: Knowing that developing healthy habitual changes in different aspect of your life takes courage and huge commitment. Throughout your journey in this adventure that you are committed to walk your talk, I will be there to for ongoing support and accountability as you consistently make changes towards your life to live wholeheartedly and feeling more alive.
Your INVESTMENT appointment with Eleanora once registered (Choose which services below):
Service:**1:1 COACHING Investment: A private session 1:1 coaching for 90 mins either online via Zoom or Skype, or at a local cafe.
Send us an email and register for your initial session and should you have any inquiry for the Coaching package offer, contact Eleanora.
Service:**MASTERCLASS WORKSHOP Investment: Book a live workshop with Eleanora at your own home for a group coaching with 5-10 attendants for 120 mins on a topic chosen by you on Personal Growth as a group. Contact Eleanora for info and a price package offer.
Service:**GUIDED MINDFULNESS INTERACTIVE SOPHROLOGY MEDITATION in PRIVATE SESSION Investment: A 1:1 meditation Session for 30-45 mins via online, or book your investment to have a private guided meditation in your own private home (Transportation fee included if it outside Duncan area). Bonus: A step by step guidance to apply EFT(Emotional Freedom Tapping)on how to stay calm in the midst of life’s challenges
Price varies. Contact Grace for more info.
Service: ** Private Laser 1on1 Coaching session with Eleanora for 25-40mins session only. Meet up once a month session either at a local cafe, online via zoom or skype. Investment offer valued starts at US$97/session. If you reside outside Cowichan Valley, an additional transportation gas fee is charged for meeting you at your city location at a local cafe. The fee is nonrefundable if you weren’t able to show up at the meeting location without 24hrs notice ahead of time. This Laser session is also for people who are serious about their growth investment and even though they are busy with their personal and professional life, this once-a-month session package is a great deal choice for you. Book by appointment only.
WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? And What are the benefits of developing our Emotional Intelligence/Stability in our day-to-day life?
Emotional Intelligence:
noun: emotional intelligence: “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. “emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success”
The benefit of having cultivated our EI is it makes our workplace a better place to serve one another as a team. And in our lifestyle, our EI development is very significant in relationship building, as we contribute to understanding one another and how to serve with love and such grace to our significant loved ones (with a cultivated growth mindset, heart, and soul that leads to inner peace from deep within). Keep in mind that when we serve, it is also sending positive energy of love back into our souls and heart. The feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction that we contributed and expanded our growth from deep within, then the love and joy energy flows thru the power of our choices- The ripple effect of Love flows as we choose to let it flow with ease and grace.
If you are in a hiring team for a company, how will you know if you are hiring High Emotionally Intelligent employee or new leaders? How will you measure EQ? And how will you develop your EQ to the next level as an Owner or CEO? There are ways to measure EQ by asking powerful questions. To know more read on my Blog: How to Measure if you Recruited High Emotionally Intelligent Leaders & Employees
What is Grace-Through means? It is when one goes through the grit of adversity in life, but somehow a sense of indescribable and immeasurable feeling of a light ray of HOPE cracks open from deep within. This essence shines through and suddenly you feel you’re guided and pulled by the Divine Source and you feel the essence of indescribable beauty and inner peace despite the pain of adversity in the circumstances that are happening. Then, without a shadow of a doubt, the Divine downloads of inner peace and understanding of Divine insights in your mind, and Love in your heart and soul, as you start feeling ease and grace regardless of the circumstances. This Divine Intervention going through the state of Grace is what fuels each one of us to turn our adversity into a powerful story of joy, love, courage, resilience, freedom, trust, and peace. Being in the state of grace is giving you the energy and wisdom how to turn your misery or messes into a magnificent message. That is what I call Grace-Through after Grace-Through the Journey that each one of us goes through. From the breakdown moments to breakthrough moments, then to break out loud moments- the grace energy and love never dies in each of those moments, and it is built within our DNA- it is part of us. Grace is the Essence beauty of in God’s heart. To experience many different layers of grace as you mature, you grow with the highest understanding of the purpose of life and its patterns, and the mystery essence it brings. It will cultivate a higher level of TRUST in you and the Divine God of the Universe. The God of the Universe has your back. And living in the state of grace that leads you to love, and that love brings you home.
About Grace’s Mission:
Eleanora specializes mainly in Personal Growth/Development focusing on Quantum Consciousness+Emotional and Adaptability Holistic Intelligence that helps clients to re-align with their purpose, values, and strengths.
Grace works with her client(s) to lead their thoughts, hearts, and emotions to the core by using strategic processes and developing healthy habits that help them have the more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle they truly desire. They develop self-confidence and trust within themselves, create inner peace, manage their stress, understand with such grace the Yin (feminine/dark/negative) and Yang (Masculine/bright/positive) principles or energy forces in life, manage time better- to prioritize better, and increase awareness of ‘knowing thyself’ & ‘I am enough’ that reconnect their authentic voice and truth to live life wholeheartedly.
Know thyself, Love thyself and Live Life with substance. The work starts within in each one of us. We can love others in a beautiful way when we know how to love ourselves first: FULFILMENT and ALIVENESS = WHOLENESS!!!
“Knowing others is intelligence;
~Lao Tzu
knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
“What you seek is also seeking you”
POLICY ABOUT COACHING and What is Coaching:
-Coaching is not a therapy nor a psychotherapy. We do not diagnose or fix problem. We articulate core values and teach strategies to become personally empowered and spiritually fulfilled to be, do and have in life.
-We treat all information shared during every session as private and strictly confidential.
-Your coach nurture, evoke strategies, guides you to identify your limiting beliefs, implement practical goals, and inspired action based on what fits the client’s goals, vision and personality.
-You agree and understand fully that Coaching is NOT advice-giving, psychotherapy, or counselling. You agree to seek other professional services, if needed.
-You are fully responsible and accountable for the decisions and actions you take in regard to your own life’s visions, focus, and results, or affairs.
-You agree to be mindful and respectful of your own well-being during the period of the coaching process.
-You shall in no way hold the Coach liable or responsible for any actions or take during or after coaching relationship.
-You understand that the Coach makes no guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, about any results to be achieved.
-You agree and abide by and acknowledge this agreement and understand fully all aspects within it.