Never settle for anything less than you deserve
January 17, 2024

Never settle for anything less than you deserve just because that person is available, it doesn’t mean he/she is the right one for you.
Never be too available either, but instead, be very valuable that you set your standard high and only attract healed people who heal people. No more attracting low vibrational mentality behavior full of betrayal of excuses, insecurity, or drama. If you are too available to anyone you meet, remember that cheap products attract many buyers. So, know your worth. Know thyself and HEAL fully well.
Life is too short not to experience true love.
When a person feels intimated by a strong caliber, he/she is not in a state of capacity to handle the experiences of a high caliber person who has developed over the years of growth the standard that won’t tolerate any more bullshit.
When a person strongly values his or herself as part of her/his priority, that is called self-respect and honor with integrity and class.
It will show through their behaviors or actions, communication skillset, energy connection, and values in all aspects of life.
Build high values, purpose, and strengths so that no one can take your love for granted. It’s all about alignment regarding partnership before committing to a long-term relationship. You are much more deserving of true love, joy, and inner peace with abundance. Never settle that represents more drama in a repeat cycle called insanity. You deserve the best. And your self-worth is NON-NEGOTIABLE.
Remember, true love does exist! I have been there and I have no regrets. Be loved based on a heart-gut-mind-body and soul coherent connection!