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Motherhood: Who Am I as a mother?

Motherhood is such a big word and the shoes to fill in is a very important task to be in and do. The task of it is grand and definitely one of the main essence of the I AM in me helped me shape the woman in me.

My 4 children have empowered me to be the woman that I never thought I could ever be, do, have or even reinvent. My teenagers have pushed my limits from one stage to the other, but by the end of the day they taught me that limitation is only from a perspective of not learning to trust to understand the patterns of our essence of our highest self.

Motherhood indeed brought me not only to my knees, but to the place of creating my own safety, inner peace, setting healthy boundaries, trust with understanding, and always choosing to love and be loved.

Motherhood journey to me shaped me into a woman of integrity.

Motherhood journey to me made me a character of values.

Motherhood journey to me made scars of memorable stories of light and dark waves of grace. In which means, it taught me to be gentle with myself and apply the essence of grace in my own life and my kids lives no matter what may life brings. It means that even though there are some days that can be challenging, I have a choice to be and feel the essence of grace and to grace nurturely with what is given to me and for me by having a gratitude attitude of understanding and trust.

I know how hard it is to be a mother full time and work at the same time. To add on that, homeschooling the kids. That was my full life when my children were so young. They surely empowered me to be the woman I am today. I am so grateful for each of my children for they are my everything.

To know more about my background personal life story on motherhood, sisterhood and womanhood, you can simply purchase my memoir on inspiring and empowering personal growth based on my life story. I published this 3rd book on my 41st birthday last year, 2021. Simply email me your email information for your hardcopy order and I will personally sign the book for you with my signature: Or simply go to my website STORE front and purchase the book and shipping and handling is included in the fix price.

In this new chapter of my life, after loosing a son 4.5 years ago, got divorced of 20 years marriage, and reinventing myself as a woman while my motherhood journey is experiencing a season of empty nesting and adjusting to nurturing older teenagers of mine, I have been productively creating a masterclass for my fellow working mums and single mums out there. This is a Masterclass on personal growth and on mastering our own self, reinventing our highest values and journeys in every stage and season we go through in life without losing our own self. We will learn how to unlearn limiting beliefs, relearn new paradigm that feeds our soul, embrace the beauty of our feminity and unleashing the power of our classic woman goddesses in us. And to be awakened and live the life of that powerful woman in us, while we walk the walk of motherhood journey, and with honour and self-love in our hearts.

In my masterclass, we will heal from our wounds and turn them into wisdom. We will pass on our blessings to our children’s children. We are the healers and nurturers of mother earth and all humanity with love and peace. We will not forget who we truly are as women. We will honour our powerful essence as feminine beings of this world. We will learn to regulate our powerful gift of emotions and learn to listen more into our own intuition, in which is the voice of truth.

Grace-Through Masterclass on motherhood contains:

  • Empowerment tools in how to lead your life and others without losing yourself
  • How to Be the Voice of Truth unapologetically
  • Applied inspired actions based on resiliency intelligence and wisdom
  • Value time and relaionships with self and significant other and children

and more…

But first, if you are not on the fence and ready to create a new meaning and new reality of peace and grace essence in your life long term, click the picture below or above, and I will see you on the other side of being a creator of change!

Sign up here:

I welcome you to our womanhood in our motherhood journey with our fellow sisters of mothers. Together we’ll learn to love our own self as women, as mothers, and as sisters. Let our beauty, intellect and our resiliency shine with every beat of our hearts. Let it be known by what we do, in how we nurture, by how we love and what we stand for. We are mothers. We are women. We are sisters. We are the nurturer and the love. We are the throne of the heart of the universe- it’s where there are phases of ways to love and be love immeasurable.

Motherhood, sisterhood and womanhood is what love is. Let’s collaborate in how we grow and not compete one another as women, mothers and sisters. Let’s grow our young girls to know that their voice can change the world one daughter at a time.


-Grace Alfafara