ABOUT Eleanora Heart:
GRACE-THROUGH journey on Motherhood and Love
Eleanora, a mother of four teenagers, homeschooled her children since year 2013 to 2019.
Her oldest son at 14 years old passed away on March 11th, 2018, and is in heaven with God- he will always have a special place in their hearts and will always love him unconditionally for LOVE never dies. Her fiance passed away too recently on Jan 20th, 2023 to a heart conditioned at age 53. Her father at age 76 transitioned as well on August 10th, 2022 due to a heart failure.
GRACE-THROUGH Journey on Compassion
Eleanora has a compassionate heart as a humanitarian. She has organized her own successful campaign to raise funds for an Orphanage in Zimbabwe Africa in the year 2005. And on the years 2010-2011, she’s also raised funds with her whole family for the feeding program to support terminal aids and cancer patients in the Dominican Republic of the Caribbean. She’s raised these funding by donating her original paintings thru a live silent auction event. All the proceeds went to the non-profit organizations mentioned above.
GRACE THROUGH Journey on Mixed Blessings
Grace is originally from the Island of the Philippines. She migrated to Africa and lived in Zambia for 12 years- she then met her ex-husband there and working alongside him as a humanitarian and mentor at the Mission non-profit organization. She’s lived in 5 countries within the span of her life, namely, the Philippines for 10 years, Zambia Africa for 12 years, St. Kitts Island of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic of the Caribbean, and currently resides with her family in Vancouver Island Canada for 20 years. She considered herself as a multi-local and a truth seeker. Her upbringing of international flavor life experiences from the Eastern mindfulness, found love in the heart of Africa and integrated its lessons with the Western culture/psychology- all these she’s grateful for the blend wisdom gained. A mixed blessing indeed!
GRACE THROUGH Journey Investments
Her education background in Psychology, Hospitality Management, Travel & Tourism Management, Peer Mentor at PG Pregnancy Crisis Center, a Grief advocate, Brand/Book Ambassador, a published Author via HAY HOUSE and AMAZON, Certified in Sophrology Healing, and as a Certified Transformational Lifestyle Coach graduated from Quantum Success Coaching Academy. She is also an Executive Contributor for Brainz Magazine. She has also completed her professional certification as a Certified Human Rights Consultant.
She volunteers as one of the Board Directors with the Parents’ sponsoring committee at a Royal Canadian Air Cadet League and was a secretary for 2.5 years with the Cowichan Branch Navy League at the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet 100 Admiral Mainguy.
She speaks in workshops focussing mainly on mental fitness, emotional intelligence, and adaptability resilience to name a few. She is open for hire in speaking engagements. Book Eleanora for more details and inquiries.
Eleanora specializes mainly in Personal Accountability focusing on Quantum Consciousness+Emotional Intelligence/Resilience and Adaptability Intelligence/Resilience that helps clients to re-align with their purpose, values, and strengths. Eleanora works with her client(s) in empowering to lead their thoughts, hearts, and emotions to the core by using strategic processes and develop healthy habits that help them have the more meaningful and fulfilling lifestyle they truly desire. They develop self-confidence and trust within themselves, create inner peace, manage their stress, understand with such grace the Yin (feminine/dark/negative) and Yang (Masculine/bright/positive) principles or energy forces in life, manage time better to prioritize better and increase self-awareness that reconnect their authentic voice and truth to live life wholeheartedly.
But most importantly, she inspires others to turn their loss into love, setbacks into comeback stories, grief into grace, hurt into healing, wounds into wisdom, mess into a magnificent message, and trauma into a transformational journey.
If you are experiencing a life of suffering, in depression, anxiety, not feeling enough, stuck in limiting beliefs, and fear of uncertainties, Eleanora has tools for you to learn how to tap into the hidden gifts, deep within you. So that, you can have more clarity in co-creating with in-depth understanding how to position yourself with great confidence and resiliency to the core even tho the world is in chaos, you will be the rock that stands your ground and live your own truth of abundance with resiliency intelligence. She is offering her Meditation in Sophrology Healing. For more info, book a healing energy session: info@gracethroughjourney.com
GRACE THROUGH Journey on Powerful Stories & Relationships
She has written two workbooks on personal development and it is available on amazon. Volume 1 workbook is called DARE TO DREAM AND OWN IT, and Volume 2 workbook is called EMPOWER YOURSELF TO LEAD YOUR LIFE AND OTHERS. She has written her first memoir and it is published through HAYHOUSE and creating upcoming courses for personal development and growth. Her memoir book is about her life’s journey based on true life extraordinary events with valuable lessons and experiences she has gained while growing up in a multi-cultural background/lifestyle. It is also about Loss, Grief and Love. She’s currently a single mother of 3 older teenagers and was divorce from a 20 yrs of marriage. Everyday she embraces learning new things that builds her up energetically, psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, and more… She lost her boyfriend to a sudden heart attack on Jan 20th 2023. She is currently writing her book 4 as part of her healing journey.
She also co-authored with other Professional Coaches and have written 9 books and counting. It has become an Amazon International Best Seller. If you or anyone you know who would be interested to join us, let me know and it’s free to join our tribe and become a published international bestseller.
She shares also about the experience of loss and grief, overcoming adversity and finding inner peace, spirituality journey with God, finding herself on different aspects of life; finding true meaning of love without measure after a divorce; cultural adjustment experiences (from a very poor environment and mindset to living life in abundance), and overcoming cultural differences through the language of LOVE in any type of relationship; building self-confidence in career building & trusting herself, developing muscles on mental and emotional stability/fitness, motherhood, sisterhood, overcoming childhood emotional trauma; & self-health care and self-healing through Quantum Healing and self-love- a story when she had 6 weeks to live after giving birth to her twin girls (not to mention four kids in two years period); and more blessings with more miracles after miracles.
Hobbies: DIY building craft home use projects. Paddle boarding. Reading inspirational books based on extraordinary true life events. During her spare time,she enjoys gardening at her Meditation Garden, as one of her favourite space to be.
GRACE THROUGH Journey about Fun & Adventure:
Some fun adventure: Tandem Skydiving, water rafting, zip lining, and bungee jump just to name a few.
As a professional artist, she taught art(painting) at her own home studio, and currently takes private commission by appointment only. She also taught Art therapy at several Senior Care Housing Communities in Prince George BC many moons ago.
She loves to build her own furniture, especially tables, and other creative crafts for her own home use.
She used to run a Bed and Breakfast at her waterfront home on Vancouver Island, BC. and it was a great success, accommodating local & international clients
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be”.
~ Dr. Wayne Dyer
–Eleanora Grace Heart

GraceThrough Mission of Contributions in Life Coaching and Soulful Art Therapy and a Random Act of Humanitarian kindness Project.
Now the spotlight is on you, which aspects of life would you work on as your GraceThrough mission in life? Schedule your complimentary clarity call today with Grace.
Quantum Consciousness is an immeasurable flow of enlightenment and transformational essence of love with ease and grace that flows through you, over you, under you, within you, around you, above you, below you and beyond you, (you as an entity), from the Divine Source of the Universe. For its essence is the portal to the quantum field of consciousness harmonized through Love with the Divine Source. And through that quantum field of consciousness the entity is one with Source.