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Mastering My Evolution Into The Wilderness


Feel free to choose whether you want to read my article or watch the video below instead. Make sure you have your volume up. This is my gift to you all on my 44th birthday for your loving and generous support in believing in me as your confidant and soul sister in our journey in this lifetime together as spiritual beings experiencing human experiences. Watch my 22mins video update on “Who are you in your own evolution?”

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Wow! It is my 44th level around the sun this year 2024. It is a universal magical year for me. This year emerges as a pivotal year to amplify the fruits of my labor and dedication. Without going into so much detail, it is about elevating my mission and igniting my new dimensions of growth and fulfillment in ALL aspects of my life with the Divine Source’s guidance as always. That means simply put, I always feel divinely guided, protected, and loved by the universal realm’s highest form of love. This journey is already commencing in such a way I can’t even describe how the Divine manufactures such immense unexpected blessings when moments in life hit you with setbacks thinking there is no way through it. But as abundance overflows my heart and home, and the experience of unprecedented true love from above, an abundance of pure peace with joy, and happiness flows through me without a shadow of a doubt but trust sets in to take over the cloud of fear in ways I would never phantom.

To go back to growing another year youthfully graceful with resiliency as my specialty developed over the years, you know what, growing to the 44th level, is a powerful symbolic pattern of life. Let me explain below:

4+4=8 and 2+0+2+4=8

The number 8 represents infinity, abundance, karmic balance harmony with infinite potential opportunities, and cosmic order.

As some of you know, my previous years have been so many losses and to the point of looking from the outside in, it looked like my life has gone through so much tragedy from one season to another as if there’s no hope at all. The loss of my oldest son at age 14, my 20 years of marriage with my ex, the loss of my dad at age 76 due to a heart condition, and the loss of my boyfriend at age 53 a year ago due to a heart attack as well. But looking from the inside out, to me it looked like grief after grief, loss after loss, tragedy after tragedy, then awful and amazing at the same time like life did not make any sense at all when we are in it.

Over the years, every time I hit a plateau, I had moments of letting go of being a doubter, and a dabbler, and decided to be a person of value and a chain breaker. Looking from the inside out, it molded me into a person of authority in my own life. I had to manufacture the urgency deep within my heart core in how to empower myself to lead myself to the greatness of my authenticity. It means I had to learn to reposition myself as a Commander of my dreams and to rise above water even though I felt the burn and scars of pain, loss after loss, and the waves of grief after grief. Then I had enough. The moment I decided with God’s help and guidance has taught me how to read through life’s patterns on how to turn my loss into love, grief into grace, hurt into healing, wounds into healed wisdom, and trauma into a transformational journey. It wasn’t easy but the moment you decide to use fear as your ally to launch your dreams into vision and mission, you start experiencing miracles of healing in the form of divine manifestations. It is like the fear is saying and gifting me a gift that there is something here more for you and do not settle for anything less than you deserve, “Who are you in these dark times without your wings?” “Who are you now even if you are scared with so many scars of doubts and fear lingering in the battle of your mind?”

Let your true self unleash from deep within the dark shadow of fear. That is what fear does to us- it is our ally to unleash our truest version of ourselves if we look at it that way without getting stuck in the shadow of fear itself. Because truly behind the disguises of what fear appears like on the surface, what truly underneath is, it is our greatest freedom. The gift of fear is freedom. The opposite of fear is freedom. Fear wants us to set ourselves free from what we fear the most. Fear teaches us to face our doubts with courage.

I stand here as a healed being looking from all my past lives. The difference is I made peace with my past and all that is in it. Looking back from a kid who had a big vision of dreams to a woman with a mission who made it happen with the Divine’s guidance. I am in alignment and harmony with my journey as I walk forward with an open heart and elevate myself with a mission in my heart. I fly this vision of being true to myself and in love with life, either on a solo journey or with a new form of tribe family that I will selectively have. It is time and it is simply time to commence the journey now and to bring healing hearts to all who seek their truth within the essence of the I AM from deep within us all.

There’s a level of confidence, courage, excellence, and strength in all of us who live at the bottom core of this abyss that we must choose to pull it up and unleash the power within. With all our might and everything we have, until it becomes interconnected with who we are and where we are headed in this journey from one season to the next. Always ask yourself in every evolution you go through in life, “Who am I in my own evolution?”

So, looking back on my journey I think there’s art in our struggle and beauty in overcoming the adversity we got through in life. But if we don’t learn to use our wings to fly thinking we are stuck in a golden cage like a pet bird who doesn’t know it has wings to fly, then what’s the point of living? That healed wisdom must be set free for others to learn to permit themselves so that they too can fly their vision into a mission. Learn to rather take action on who we truly are than do nothing at all and be like that caged bird not knowing the purpose of its wings. When things get tough from one season to another in life, learn to adjust and adapt and adjust again so that we see the lesson in healing forward without losing ourselves in it, but instead, find ourselves through it. It is in the deepest core alignment of actions that we find who we truly are.

Learning from my life of loss and love, I am going to present my next questions on how to help you reposition yourself as you gather all your tools of strengths, values, and purpose from setbacks to comeback story:

  • Are you on your next step of change or shift in life? Is it time to dig deeper than before in your life ever been?
  • Are you co-creating with the Divine Universe/God?
  • Are you willing to learn to trust yourself to weather those storms in life? And how will you delegate and have the courage to ask for help when you need it the most?
  • What is your truest self required of you to become intertwined with your greatest authenticity as being one accord?
  • How would you reposition yourself as a commander of your dream within the battle of your mind, will, and body?
  • When will you commence to put the skin in the game to be the hero, the true lover, the warrior, the person of value, and the peacemaker you are meant to be while you are on this borrowed time you got left?

The reason I asked these powerful questions like “Which mountain is worth climbing?”, is because if we don’t ask ourselves powerful questions, we simply float with the tide, surf with the wind, and without any form of direction where and what the purpose of life is all about. Life would become so complacently meaningless with no form of substance and aliveness. So, learn to navigate the mastery patterns of who you truly are that await you to experience you even if it’s unpredictable. At least, TRUST the journey. This is when you can learn to trust yourself and the process with the Divine Creator. Focus on the choice of patterns on who you are becoming in how you add value to the world you have been given and that your soul signed up here to be.

A JOURNEY worth pursuing even if it’s unfamiliar territories it’s what gives my life substance with compelling meaningful fulfilment. Let’s be vulnerable and set healthier boundaries at the same time. Let’s show the world what we can create as our own lives depend on us as we embody with greater conviction our soul contract purpose. Because our future is only a self-made belief until we permit ourselves to breathe life into it. Also, know that our destiny is our true north star and we can experience its truth when we act with a beautiful courage to finally say yes to who we truly are. It is time to understand the patterns of our soul contract and start putting the skin in the game of it once and for all.

The patterns of my choice through what I call my “Grace-Through Journey” continue to experience what truly matters to me and it’s priceless and worth my time, focus, energy, and trust:






-Healthy values




-Celebration with the pure joy of laughter

-True LOVE co-creation forever.

-Healed evolving wisdom

These are the sacred truth journeys I always share unapologetically. Every level of each journey, required a new version of me as I learned to reposition myself to be the hero in my own life. Each layer of me has shown me a truth consciousness that shaped every form of the many essences of who I truly Am. Because one must find strength within oneself which they didn’t know existed. This requirement of ‘leveling up’ required me to put different types of skin in the game of life. And I grew and repositioned myself several times, adjusted and adapted when I must. Got scars of badges of honor to remember the lesson learned from each journey of polarity and in between layers of many truths of consciousness.

I elevated myself with the Divine guidance as my north star to not betray who I truly am, my authenticity within many vortexes of co-creating the experiences of truth, love, and purity of peace. Even though I was fearful to take one step forward in the game of risk and the unknown territories. This has confidently taught me to have the skin in the game of life. When I finally decided to understand the patterns of life, that made a huge difference in how I see, feel, and make every strategic move of my life’s journey in CO-CREATION with the universal language of what wholeness is all about in this lifetime and the next. After all, I made peace that I AM the wilderness growing into the wild.

I’d like you to join me to share your definition of Life’s Journey. Let’s welcome change and growth movement of life patterns! ! So, decide that you are more than capable of facing the fear inside you on what you can control, not what you can not control outside of you. Navigate on mastering how you respond because it is not the situation of the environment, but it is how you respond on who you become in how you handle the situation represented to you as fear. As time went by, you learned to adjust and adapt, not because life got easier to handle, but because you as a traveler learned to trust yourself enough to walk down your path and respond better by turning the value of fear into freedom.

With love, truth, and peace,

Grace Alfafara