August 28, 2019

Certified Lifestyle & LOA Coach, Artist, Blogger
Hello my darlings,
It’s been months since my last blog. This is due to some personal matter that it needed my full attention to get to where I am today. Challenges may come our way, but it only leads us to growth if we learn how to activate and cultivate the given Divine Power from deep within to walk our talk. Talk about “Leading your life and Own it”: planning and executing the tools and strategies to walk the steps forward, from one foot onto another, and doing that consistently is living a fulfilling lifestyle.
This year has been a great year for me and my family. A lot of #self-care and #self-love in order to heal forward for each one of us.
My life journey as a Certified Lifestyle Coach has been an adventure one, indeed! I have launched my coaching and art business earlier this year and have been conducting a number of Art Workshops and Lifestyle Coaching Workshops, and my very first micro ladies retreat at my own waterfront villa studio. It has been a successful journey and lots of love and effort to execute the dream plan and experience the “living the dream manifestation”. Each of my Art or Coaching workshop contains different art creative lessons (for Art workshops) for each session, and an intensive or interactive powerful lessons to implement in order to be effective in the face of leading thyself (for Lifestyle ladies group coaching workshops) . The results of these guided workshops and especially the meditation sessions, each person have had an amazing breakthroughs and awakenings when they implemented the elements and tools of Life’s Principles Universal Essential Laws. Everyone reconnected with their own true self and bonded with their own life’s purpose and on fire and felt refresh!!! Also they went home understanding how to implement the practical tools in the face of challenging times, managing the blessings, and #SELFCARE.

Here’re some of the testimonials from my Ladies Group Coaching workshops: (Pictures are worth than a thousand words)

(1st workshop:) “I am so thankful for this moment with you Grace. I’m happy I came. I feel refresh, reminded to follow my dreams, and trust God to take me where He wants and be flexible… (2nd Workshop:) I felt loved, special and blessed to be at this 2nd workshop.Thanks for your time! This was valuable and will help me continue to find myself, go beyond my comfort zone and discover my real me…” ~ Deborah D.
“Grace, thank you so much again for your authenticity, honesty, and acceptance. I really enjoy this group. I am amazed at the changes I have been able to make since our last workshop… in areas that I have been stuck in for a long time.” ~ Leah M.
“Thank you grace for giving of your time & knowledge to this group. This has been a real joy & a life changing experience in this life journey. So glad to have this team to support & encourage one another! Your lessons have been so insightful & helpful & is giving me guidance & tools in order to rach my life goals. Looking forward to more sessions/lessons.” ~ Mitra E.
“Thank you & thank you again for such a thrilling ride into my mind again! Also for the opportunity to guide the meditation. I appreciate it! Thank you for helping spread more authenticity & love in this world!” ~Aria K.
One step at a time living & doing what I love. #LivingOnPurpose! If you know anyone who may need a transformational breakthroughs in their life, join us and attend my interactive and powerful workshop or a 1 on 1 coaching sessions with me. Reach out, and go to the Contact info and I will walk you through your first complimentary transformational sessions. With the right coach you will learn how to reframe your mindset by unlearning limiting beliefs that have held you back since childhood or by what the society, or peers, or religious/cultural conditioning have told you on how you should be like. You will also learn how to cultivate and nurture self-confidence and value commitment and take inspired actions in times of uncertainty. You will also learn to leverage and master your emotions in the face of challenging times.
I mainly specialize in Personal Growth: Quantum Consciousness + Emotional & Adaptability Intelligence on how to lead your life with substance and own it by understanding the implementation of the Principles of the Universal Essential Laws in your personal life and professional life.
I will be also continuing my Podcast interview online to spread Love and Healing starting this fall season. I will be interviewing inspiring ladies and transformational Coaches globally to bring more awareness on how we can learn from each other’s life’s journey and beyond. You can click on the right side of this page from the previous Video Interviews I have posted on here. Also some of you have contacted me if I could create an online course especially to those who were not able to attend the local and live workshops. Well, good news ladies, this is under process as we speak. Thank you for your feedback that have helped me grow with my services and mission in how to serve you better in your personal growth or on your life’s journey.
And here are the pictures of some of the Art workshops and Tea by the lake with Grace: (Serving young and old: Everyone enjoyed a refreshing healing bonding moment at my home studio).

Thank you once again for being here and reading this blog. No matter what life throws at your way, always remember that “Life doesn’t happen to you, but life happens for you” ~ Anthony robbins.
You are the Co-creator of your life story. It’s time to lead your life with substance, own it, and be a person of value. Discover your own truth life experiences and you will discover your life’s purpose! Have an open heart and mind and always guard your heart with love and wisdom!
At the meantime, stay tuned for my upcoming Episode #3 ladies workshop combining both Art and Lifestyle Coaching Workshops under one session at my home studio. Invites will be sent out. For now watch out for more updates and inspiring food for thought on my facebook pages and click here: Grace Kostamo-GraceThrough Journey & Grace Kostamo Designs.
Much love to you from the bottom of my heart,
Grace Kostamo