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Celebrating my birthday *Level 40

Rock bottom with grit experiences became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt and reinvented my life. The purpose of pain is the portal to consciousness. And that consciousness is when we turn our loss to love, grief and grit to grace journey, poverty to blessings, emptiness to overflowing and runneth over, death to life, ailments to healing, lackness or scarcity to opportunities, negativity to positivity, slavery to freedom, uncertainty to clarity, lack to ownership, sadness to joy, rage and hate to forgiveness, darkness to light, adversity to abundance, jealousy to inner peace, broke to experiencing heaven on earth, and from impossibilities to possibilities… etc. You need both worlds to learn to trust and understand the purpose of it ALL. When you have learned to turn pain into powerful blessings of love, that’s when you will find true peace. That peace lives from deep within in each one of us.

I made 40 siopao on my 40th birthday with my girls yesterday. It’s a Filipino steamed buns with meat. I rarely make this. No baking needed, but you steamed the buns instead. It’s one of my very favourite childhood Filipino delicacy. I introduced it to my kids when there were toddlers. They #Love it ever since!! Teaching my kids the value of humble beginnings and never forget where you came from, but most importantly keep #Evolving and never stay stuck living in the past.

Finally, entered to level 40 in the sacred game of #EarthLife. I’m grateful I got to celebrate it with the people I love.
40 years around the sun in this magnificent universe… so many things to be grateful for.
I look forward to serving my fellow earthlings.
##ownyourstory so live yours in color
Remember, you can absolutely have heaven on earth!!!

~Grace Kostamo