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Dear Younger Me

A letter to my younger self:

Dear younger me,

You came into this world for a purpose. There are a lot of things that you have questioned yourself and everything that has been bombarded into your life from the very moment you took the first step into this world.

There’s a lot that you didn’t know and questioned everything.

So, my dear younger me, time goes really quickly when all you can see is the pattern noise of the surface of this world with hidden underlying truths that are undiscovered patterns.

I have seen you stuck for a long time in silence as you were afraid to say something wrong, but you have something inside of you as you have the words to change a nation but you were biting your tongue and holding yourself back in fear.

My dear younger me, hear me out:

I want you to keep a gratitude attitude that no matter what happens, you are grateful for the roof over your head, the clothes you wear, the food you eat, the job you have, the income you earn, the family you have…

…but most importantly, the commitment you have for yourself, the resilience you courageously overcome every negativity that drowns you down that wasn’t meant for you; the temptations that lure in locking you in someone else’s loop of karma that you managed to set yourself free from it; your willingness to be open-minded and learn what makes you grow better; your intelligence in deciphering what’s ahead and you always have a strategy to keep going forward focusing on the long term goals when everyone else is going for what is easy and comfortable. But you pursued in silence for a long term joy and happiness within the state of grace that you have found in you all along.

You know that going for easy will not make any difference or make any impact as it only leads to wondering “What could have been if I only knew or did this and that”… Most would go that road where they feel afraid to take the road less traveled.

I promise you my younger me, learn to practice the psychology of excellence through self-discipline and stay true to your own self with your authenticity. Feel the heart beat of your soul that it is there deep within your heart waiting for you… to unwrap the present of your intrinsic values and the core of why you came here to be, do, have, and co-create.

Believe in yourself like you are your own hero, because no one else will… as sadly as the reality of this surface world is designed to test and challenge our belief system that affects our habits in creating reality. Take a stand to rediscover your authenticity and practice excellence of integrity like as if this is your last soul journey, and you are fully committed to making the most of it while you are still experiencing what is unfolding right inside of you.

Never lose sight of who you truly are and what it means most to you as there’s no one else is like you. You are creating your own pattern in harmony with you and me. Never get distracted by small or big things from anyone who tries to pull you down. Stay laser-focused on your sacred mission and along the way, celebrate life with the people who empowered you to stay on the course in co-creating the powerful elements of truth, love, and purity in peace.

In 10-40 years from now, we will see each other again with a different perspective. We will dance again in harmony with life for time is of the essence and we only get this one chance to make it right for both of us.  I promise every step we take together won’t be wasted. Just don’t forget you want this journey! Go and seize the day my younger self and rediscover who you truly are!

One more thing my younger me, I just want to say thank you for not giving up on us.

You have come a very long way to get us here.

I have watched you grow

I have witnessed how you navigate yourself through pain;

the suffering you have endured;

the strategy you have applied;

the joy in your smile

the tears in your eyes;

the scars on your body that tells an in-depth story that shaped who you truly are

the true love you yearned and experienced from your heart;

the beauty in your intrinsic values;

the fun creativity you have co-created outside the box;

the laughter from your voice echoed to your healthiest version of yourself;

the pave you made for me and others to healing and freedom journey has immensely made me say this to you:


I thank you for not giving up on me too.

I thank you for your courage in the face of fear;

I thank you for your resiliency and commitment even in the midst of trials and tribulations;

I thank you for showing me that I can be the light in my own shadow. “I AM the light in me” without waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel;

I thank you for showing me that not every cage is a prison unless we lock ourselves into replaying the hurts and the wounds of the familiarity of the past;

I thank you for showing me that nothing is loss as love transform into another form of abundance, and everything is working out for me;

I thank you for having the commitment and courage to turn the grief into grace, the mess into a message, the hurt into healing, the wounds into wisdom, and the trauma into a transformational journey;

I THANK YOU for signing this soul contract journey! YOU have the power to protect your truth, peace, and love.