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Life is but a dream

Ok, here’s mine “before and now” pic challenge too. 10 yrs of challenge on my 7 aspects in my Life Wheel:


Talk about  1.Self health care, 2. Emotional Stability, 3. Career/Finance,4, Spiritual Journey, 5.Psychological Journey, 6. Relationship Journey, & 7. Habitual Journey.

How about you? See how far you have come and share in the comment below.

A picture says a thousand words. But not enough to share the details that really goes on especially in every aspect of life. Most people would focus their mind on the first impression, in which is the physicality. I mean, I do that too. It is certainly part of human nature to do so. Yes, the tendency to do so. But for a few out there, like myself as I have evolved over the years and still non stop learning, they would focus more on character based.

You see, during those 10 years period in my life, I worked on my personal development and professional lifestyle to get to where I am today. The 7 Aspects in my Life Wheel is a continuous progress. I choose not to stop learning. There’s a saying that say, “You only stop learning when you are dead on the inside”. So, it is best to learn and process on something to learn about every single day. It keeps us grounded and humble.

This year 2019 is a continuation of my LIFE RESOLUTION that I was called to do. Every year I do a Reflection check mode. To find something to be grateful about especially how far I have come and blessings that I already have, family and faith, just to mention a few. And how do I know what my calling are? This is another story another time. A glimpse of that is to start knowing yourself first. Learning to know thyself is the number one key to heal forward in the noise of this world. Our world is bombarding us who we should be, what we should do, or how we should look like, or smell like, or “keeping up with the Jone’s” mindset. Important key note to takeaway here is start by #1 is KNOW THYSELF, #2 BE THYSELF and #3 LAUGH LOVE & LIVE out LOUD. You need Joy in your life in order to be fulfilled and alive.

Those 3 keys are my core simple steps on how I carry my Life Resolution in the span of my life. I will chunk this down more on my next update and will give you more valuable content to help you take a quantum faith step at a time in your own life that resonates with you. For now feel free to ask any question below and or share your own “before and now” picture challenge on REFLECTION as well. And share with us what you’re grateful for that you have come this far.

I can’t wait to hear from you own truth of life experiences.


Grace Kostamo